The Magic of Unicorn Poop

unicorn.jpgWhile going through some old papers, I came across this birthday card from a dear friend. Once I finished laughing, I realized there’s meaning in this little fable.

The word ‘magic’ is tossed around quite a bit these days, usually in reference to circumstances coming together more perfectly than you could have ever imagined. But magic also involves stepping right into a steaming pile of ugly reality sometimes – the ‘unicorn poop’ experiences, for the sake of this analogy.

Unicorn poop comes in all different forms, from losing a loved one, to screwing up at work or getting your heart broken. Any experience that feels traumatic and unwelcomed fits the bill. Whatever the scenario may be, let it be a comfort to know that these events are carefully and lovingly designed to trigger what I refer to as a ‘spiritual growth spurt’. They open the door to lessons that really can’t be earned through easy times.

Your struggles are, in fact, skillfully disguised blessings, concealing great opportunity beneath that crappy veneer.  They are also a sure sign that some serious magic is about to unfold, because big, beautiful change is almost always preceded by upheaval. If you can, try taking a step back and observing your situation objectively. Ask yourself why your soul might have requested this situation for the sake of its own growth.  What opportunities for lessons, or new revelations do you see?

The good thing about our trials is that they force us to see the world from a new perspective, allow us to put our faith into practice, and show us just how much strength we can rally, when we need it.  While none of us enjoy these inevitable missteps, they undoubtedly gift us with some of life’s most invaluable lessons.

With Love,


The Magic of Unicorn Poop

Blooper Reel

Muscle Butter Outtakes

Last month, I introduced two new products, Warming and Cooling Muscle Butters. I decided to create a video introducing the butters because,
well, that’s Marketing 101, but also because I saw an opportunity to walk my talk.

Day in and day out on social media, I encourage you to
take risks; to pat your silly fears on the head and then shove past them to accomplish your goals. I realized the idea of creating a video for you made me
highly uncomfortable! I’ve become quite cozy hiding behind my daily posts, sharing disembodied wisdom from a safe distance. In my defense, there was a time when sharing written content absolutely terrified me, too. But I’ve moved past that now, thanks to  your blessed receptivity. Yep, it’s time for me to push past my comfort zone once again, and you’re just the bunch to help me do it.

The creative process is not glamorous – at least mine isn’t. It’s challenging, scary, elusive and exasperating. Sometimes ideas flow effortlessly,
but often they do not (I have 35 unused takes of muscle butter video to prove it). But we never see that side of marketing; all we’re exposed to is the sparkly, fabulous finished product.

So why not bring a little balance to the beautifully staged world of social media and share some unpolished, imperfect, realistic footage for a change. My intention here is to outwit my worst fear of making a fool of myself and get that out of the way, straight out of the gate. I present to you my blooper reel in all it’s awkward glory. I hope it inspires you to take a scary step toward your own goals.

Here’s to supporting each other as we flip our fears the bird. And speaking of birds: the hawk is one of my spirit animals; we go way back and he always appears to me when I need encouragement. He’s graced us with a cameo in this video.
With Love,

Blooper Reel

Essential Oils for Skin Healing

Something magical happens once word begins to spread you’ve become an gaspareAromatherapist. Opportunities to empower and soothe the discomforts of those around you seem to come out of the woodwork!
I chose to obtain my Certification in Aromatherapy with the intention of enhancing my small business. While the certification has been invaluable in advancing my startup, perhaps the most rewarding experiences are those I never saw coming. One of my favorite stories is when my friend came to see me because her sweet little boy’s fingertips were all cracked and red from eczema. The winter weather was causing his sensitive skin to chap. Determined to avoid harsh chemicals, she asked if I could suggest an alternative to over-the-counter creams.
I quickly whipped up a gentle batch of lavender and frankincense, safely diluted with organic jojoba in a (spill proof!) roll-on bottle. Little Gaspare was able to apply the oil himself, and he was so excited. Here he is using his very own custom blend like a total boss! Such a sweetheart. Mom also used this blend on his diaper rash and it disappeared in 24 hours – amazing!
My Aromatherapist certification has helped me to hone my blending skills and safely share natural remedies with my clients. More importantly, it’s allowed me to bring comfort to my loved ones and help them to live healthier lives with these miraculous oils. This has not only enriched my life, it’s created a beautiful ripple effect that brings healing to my little piece of the world.

Would you take a moment to share with me your health opportunities that you’d like to see a natural remedy for? There are essential oil blends to support just about every malady under the sun! I’d love to bring your ideas to life with new Haven Shoppe products. Simply email info@thehavenshoppe, or drop me a line via the Contact tab of my website. I look forward to hearing from you!

With Love,



Essential Oils for Skin Healing

Tips for Maintaining Peace at Work

You strive to be a better person and live a fulfilled life. Whether it be yoga, green tea,workstress baking or jumping out of airplanes, you look for things that bring you a sense of well being and invest time and energy into pursuing those activities. But here’s the rub. Typically, you need money to do those fun things. And unless you’re independently wealthy, that usually means you have a job, not necessarily one you like, but one you spend many hours at each week.


Typically you start a workday with the best of intentions. You get up early and spend time aligning yourself and setting the tone for the day. You enter your workplace ready to nod your head and mummer Namaste to all you encounter. You are in control and life is wonderful. But within minutes, things begin to go astray. Calls start coming in, emails stack up and suddenly everyone you encounter seems to be possessed by a whirling dervish of negative energy or has that desperate look in their eye that makes you want to remove anything sharp from their work area.


You try to maintain your composure, but then it gets a little more personal. Your boss reprimands you for something out of your control, a co-worker makes a snide remark about one of your close friends, or a customer calls you a jerk after you won’t let them return a clearly 100-year-old pair of jeans with no tags or receipt. And then it happens. In an instant, your alignment takes a U-turn and every peaceful feeling you had evaporates. As the anger builds, you’d like to take Namaste and cram it down someone’s throat just to shut them up.


Don’t worry … we’ve all been there and it’s not a happy place to be. But as crazy as things may get at your job, it doesn’t mean you have to spiral out of control. There ARE things you can do when you feel that frustration building and your well being slipping away. So before all that workplace drama gets the better of you, try out these six simple ideas to help you maintain your equilibrium in the midst of a chaotic work day.


  1. Wait – If you’re anything like me, sarcastic remarks live silently on the edge of your tongue, just waiting for a good reason to burst forth from your mouth. While they may seem exceptionally witty for the briefest moment, they typically transform into something cringe worthy shortly thereafter and may even require soul sucking groveling in order to make things right. So remember, when something has spiked your anger or hurt your feelings, just wait it out. Wait until the initial rush of frustration has passed, until you are breathing normally once again, until you can see that responding to negativity with negativity will accomplish nothing at all. This doesn’t mean you have to stew in silence forever. Just wait until your response can be clearheaded and logical. It will be received better in the long run and will alleviate a lot of added stress that comes from a response generated in the heat of the moment.
  2. Throw out the bathwater, keep the baby – Most people are funny this way. We tend to go from all to nothing in our minds in a very short period of time. One bad remark and suddenly everyone is your enemy. You begin to doubt your core beliefs and soon you’re berating yourself for ever thinking peace of mind was anything more than a fantasy. The trick is to try and interrupt those thoughts before they spiral out of control. Take a deep breath. Remind yourself that there are plenty of people in your work place that you like and respect. Seek them out, not necessarily to spill your guts about what happened, but just to feel a real person-to-person connection. Ask them about their dog or how the plans for their daughter’s wedding are proceeding. By reconnecting in this way, you’ll remind yourself that the people you work with are more than just co-workers. Just like you, they have lives that matter outside the workplace and are doing the best they can.
  3. Make your nose happy – Our sense of smell is an amazing gift that most people pay little attention to. Ask any realtor who suggests you bake cookies just before showing your house. They know that certain aromas invoke pleasant memories, which increases your odds of getting an offer from a potential buyer. And this idea is even backed by science. It’s been proven that emotional trauma is stored in the amygdala gland within the brain and this gland can only be stimulated through our sense of smell. So giving your nose a workout during a difficult workday can truly help calm your fears and reset your emotional state. Essential oils are an excellent way to accomplish this. Natural calming scents include lavender, chamomile, orange and frankincense, but any scent you enjoy will do the trick. Just uncap the bottle, take several deep breathes, and notice the tranquil feeling that washes over you.
  4. Think about your nemesis in a different way – This is especially helpful when dealing with people who are in a position of power and enjoy making others feel inferior. You know the ones, the guy who struts down the hall and frowns any time he sees someone away from their work station or the woman in her perfect outfit who likes to cut people to shreds in meetings. They throw their weight around, bully others and typically don’t listen very well either. You can’t change them, but you can try and change how you perceive them. So the next time those types of co-workers are getting the better of you, take a moment and imagine them doing normal everyday things. Picture them getting caught in a rainstorm without an umbrella, eating chicken wings with their hands or even going to the bathroom. Yep, even those people have to pee and poop like the rest of us. What you’re trying to do here is to remind yourself they are just like every other human being on this planet, no better or worse (well maybe a little worse) than you. And once you’re able to do this successfully, you take away a lot of their power, much like exposing the real wizard behind the curtain. They may still be jerks, but at least they won’t be as scary anymore.
  5. A picture paints a thousand words – This is similar to suggestion #3, but uses another one of your amazing senses. Choose a picture that symbolizes happiness to you and have it on hand at your workplace. It may be the ocean, a sunrise, your cat, or your coffee maker. It doesn’t matter as long as the first thing you want to do is sigh deeply when you see it. In times of stress, take a moment to really focus on the image before you. This serves two purposes. First, the image alone will invoke feelings of peace and well being, which will help slow your heart rate and refocus your attention. Second, it will remind you that work is just a part of your life and does not define you. The image you’re looking at is still out there, ever constant and just waiting for you after your shift is done.
  6. Tickle your funny bone – We all know that laughing relieves tension and that a good one liner can diffuse a spiraling encounter. This can be used at the workplace as well. Whether you’re into corny jokes that start with ‘a rooster walked into a bar’ or slapstick comedy or off-the-cuff dry humor, keep access to something that makes you smile and engage it when work is getting the best of you. Have some quips or clips stored in an easily assessed place on your phone, keep a book of riddles in your desk drawer or have dial-a-joke on speed dial. Whatever works for you. You cannot be chuckling and furious at the same time, so choose funny and watch as the anger slips away.

I hope you’ve enjoyed these simple tips to help get you through a bad day at work. You’ve probably noticed that all these ideas are really coping mechanisms, not solutions. If you are really suffering at work and find it difficult to get through even a single workday, I would suggest you explore ideas on how to permanently change your situation. There are tons of guides, books and blogs that offer great suggestions on how to initiate and follow through on such a plan. But since something like that may take time, please keep these tips in mind until that day comes.Good luck and have a fantastic day at work tomorrow!

Tips for Maintaining Peace at Work

Gale’s Story

A little over a year ago, I was running out of meetings at my office to vomit in the ladies water-lily.jpgroom. I hadn’t had to vomit only once or twice in twenty-five years. It happened a few times, then it ceased. From that point on my ability to cope, work, think, function, and my physical activity all slowly depleted; until the last stressful period at work, when finally I crumbled. No hospital. No emergency room. No dramatic scene. I prayed. A lot. My skin had developed a “poison-ivy-like rash” (emotional eczema) over my torso, back and front. I cried at the drop of a hat. My temper flared easily. I was sad often. My muscles had wasted away and I had lost weight. I itched constantly. I thought I might have a nervous breakdown.
I prayed for direction because I knew I needed to seek professional help. A spiritual advisor I was working with at the time recommended a doctor in Long Island. I said, “I can’t go to Long Island”. She said, “He works through your blood, he is very good”. Ahh. I have known others who have done this with good results. I trusted my recommendation. She was right. Now ten months later, many improvements later, she was right, he is amazing.
It’s not an illness. It’s not a disease. It has no name. I am a low adrenal person with a biochemical malfunction in my system. For me, this was caused by many things: stress first and foremost; alcoholism (I am presently 24 years clean and sober); possibly some genetics in there; and last but not least, poor diet.
I treat it by changing my diet according to what my bloodwork shows I need. I take supplements (not sold by) prescribed by my doctor, according to my bloodwork. Both are monitored by my doctor. And YES, he is a doctor. A doctor of nutrition and a scientist. Among other things.
I am thrilled with the results I have seen so far. I look forward to “feeling better than ever” as my doctor put it from the beginning. I have learned so much about myself. I did not realize that this would not only be a health experience, but a spiritual experience, too. I have an even stronger conviction about who and what I am than ever before.
This was “my” way of dealing with “my” health issue. I believe there is a way to heal the body without harmful drugs. I believe there is a way to heal the body with foods, supplements and vitamins, with direction from a health professional.
Gale’s Story

Horror Flick Survival Guide

halloweenI’ve always been a sucker for scary movies. Whether or not you’re a fan, you’ve probably seen enough to know there are certain keys to survival.  This Halloween season, why not carve out a few self help metaphors among the jack-o-lanterns with tips to not just survive, but thrive in situations where the odds are stacked against you.

Don’t panic.  Feeling like you’ve been tossed into an empty grave and left for dead? Climbing out of an emotional pit can seem like an impossible task. The first thing to do is  establish a connection to your center, where it’s calm. Among the chaos and stress, settle on one thought, affirmation, or memory powerful enough to bring you unwavering peace; something you know to be true, pure, and love-based. Allow that feeling to comfort you, and draw strength from it. Use resources and helpful people around you to pull yourself up to higher ground.

Illuminate your path. We’ve all seen the young, helpless victim stumbling into the dark woods despite all common sense, somehow managing to tear her previously conservative outfit into something off the Xena Warrior Princess clearance rack. If you find yourself lost in the proverbial woods, feeling vulnerable and unsure of where you’re going in life, stop where you are and reassess.  Get honest with yourself about what really brings you fulfillment. What activities, people and places bring you joy? How would you spend your days if money was no object? The answers to these questions will illuminate your true path. Find ways to infuse them into your daily life, and make plans for big, bold next steps.

Don’t conjure up old ghosts. Any movie that opens with a Ouiji Board scene is sure to end badly for all involved. Similarly, when you hold onto old hurt, anger and resentment, you end up keeping past traumas alive, which prevents you from healing, and experiencing the peace you deserve. More suffering comes from reliving traumatic experiences in our memories, than the actual event itself. So, every time you catch yourself replaying an old story in your mind, say the word ‘stop’ or ‘cancel’ out loud. Then follow up with a positive affirmation such as, “I deserve peace”. Retrain your brain to replace those negative thoughts with something more nourishing.

Face down the demons. At some point in every slasher movie, the ghastly circumstances surrounding the villain’s past are revealed, offering insights on how he came to be the soul snatching, havoc wreaking monster that he is today. In doing so, his weaknesses are revealed, offering valuable information for the prey to turn the tables and take down her pursuer.  The same goes for your own demons. If you can gather enough strength to shine a bright light on your fears instead of running from them, you’ve taken a major step toward overcoming them completely. Explore the root of these fears, and acknowledge the areas in which they’re holding you back. Both on and off screen, demons lose their power when you turn on the lights.

The reality is that we are our own worst enemies. Most of our issues and anxieties are a result of trying to suppress emotions that we’re afraid to experience. But if we allow ourselves to be forge into the painful places in our hearts, we’re able to understand, heal and release them. So no matter how desperate your situation feels, please remember that you always have the ability harness your inner champion. Start by finding the inner calm, then stand tall in your power; drag old fears into the light, and slay your demons once and for all. Do this, and I have no doubt you will emerge from the dark woods stronger, wiser, and more peaceful than ever before…and if we’re sticking to true Hollywood form, probably nipping.

Happy Halloween!

With Love,




Horror Flick Survival Guide

Make Your Bed!

bed.jpgFeeling out of control, stressed out, unable to wrap your head around what life’s throwing your way? Are you in a constant state of worry and find yourself more impatient and irritated than normal? Well, worry no more. I have a simple piece of advice for you that I swear can help.

Interested in hearing more? OK then, get ready for it, and repeat after me. MAKE YOUR BED!

Yeah, I know you non bed makers just rolled your eyes and those who do make their bed regularly probably did as well. I, too, thought it crazy when a wise woman made the same suggestion to me many years ago and, yes, I’m sure I rolled my eyes a little too. But I was also in a place where I would try just about anything to feel a little more ‘normal’ and I figured it sure couldn’t hurt, so I gave it a try. And much to my surprise, after a couple weeks I actually started to feel a little more grounded and at ease. So bear with me for a minute and check out the following six reasons why making your bed may really be in your best interest after all.

1) If you are healthy enough to get out of it, you can make it. Note the word healthy here. No matter what your day holds or what you are going through, remember you were able to swing that blanket off your body and move yourself out of your resting area. Be thankful for that alone. There are so many people who cannot leave their bed for whatever reason and we lose sight of that in our daily lives. Making your bed, while being thankful for your ability to do so, is a powerful reminder of all the positive things you have in life and is a sure way to bring a smile to your face.

2) It’s not hard. No matter what, you can’t fail at it. We all get up feeling like failures at times. You just lost your job, you flunked that test, you just made a complete fool of yourself at the company party. We’ve all been there and it stinks. But you also need to keep in mind that there are plenty of things that you don’t fail at and, as a matter of fact, you’re damn good at. And making your bed is one of them. So go ahead and start your day by doing this simple task to remind yourself how great you actually are.

3) It can bring a semblance of order to an otherwise chaotic start. You drag yourself out of bed after a colicky baby kept you up half the night, look around and your heart sinks. Dirty clothes are strewn about, baby bottles and a bowl with potato chip remnants sit on the nightstand, magazines and toys litter the floor, not to mention the dog and cat fur that seems to blanket the entire mess. You sigh in defeat before the day starts, knowing you have no time to remedy the situation. But think about it. You do have time to straighten that comforter and put the pillows back at head of the bed. And then you have one neat, organized thing that stands out amongst the chaos and you know you did it. It reminds you there are plenty of other positive things you will do this day and helps promote an ‘I can do it’ attitude.

4) It’s in your control. Fear of the unknown drives so much of our pain and suffering. You spin scenarios, usually really bad ones, and let the imagined results drag you down. You also find yourself facing things that are completely out of your control and feel utterly powerless. The cancer diagnosis, the spouse who walked out, the pink slip. These types of events send you reeling and you begin to doubt you have any power at all in your life. But you can always make your bed. And while you’re at it, do it your way. You don’t like that sheet tucked into the mattress? Then leave it loose. Don’t want to pull the blanket up under the pillows? Don’t do it. Need to give those pillows an extra harsh fluffing to let off some steam? Go for it! Arrange that bed any damn way you please and know it’s 100% in your control. You’ll be amazed how good that can make you feel.

5) You can use those two minutes to center yourself and practice a little mindfulness. It’s so hard for many of us in this rush, rush society to find the time to do anything for ourselves. You may be interested in meditation, affirmations and mindfulness, but just can’t seem to find the time in your busy schedule. You’d love to get up 20 minutes early to contemplate life, but you were up really late finishing paperwork (again) and you need every minute of sleep you can get. Many of us believe we need a sizable chunk of time to set intentions for the day, but that’s not true. And since making the bed requires no real thought, it’s the perfect time to let your mind focus on something else. Whether you want to merely repeat a positive affirmation or offer thanks for the some of the simple things in your life, just spending those couple minutes in some kind of positive reflection can have a huge impact on your day.

6) It’s a nice way to end the day. The night got away from you and you cringe when you see the actual time. You’re beyond tired and just want to fall into bed and pass out. Wouldn’t it be nice to know you can do just that instead of trying to find that sheet that’s crumpled in a ball under two blankets and a comforter or having to drag out that pillow that somehow got kicked under the bed and is now covered in dust bunnies? Ending the night on a peaceful note can help soothe your soul and promote restful sleep, whereas a struggle to even get into bed can jack up your stress levels and leave you feeling wide eyed and ticked off. Which way would you rather end the day?

So there you have it. I hope you’ve enjoyed these quirky reasons for doing something your Mom probably pestered you about all through childhood. So next time the walls start closing in and you’re about to throw in the towel, march into that bedroom of yours, stand proud, plant a smile on your face and… Make Your Bed!! Remember, it can’t hurt and maybe, just maybe, it can help!

photo credit:<a href=””>Designed by Freepik</a>

Make Your Bed!

Treat Yourself to Some Color Therapy!

Hi there!

I’m very excited to share that I’ll be at the Great New York State Fair again this year, on August 31st (more details in the coming weeks). Come visit me and grab a bottle of your favorite Body & Soul Mist, and check out the debut of my brand new chakra balancing roll-ons! They offer the very same aromas of the mists, but in a portable little roll-on tubes that you can keep with you at all times. I look forward to seeing you soon!

Which colors in this image most appeals to you? ChakrasWoman

Your energy field is made up of every color of the rainbow, each of which supports a different aspect of your emotional, physical and spiritual self. You are drawn to different colors at different times in your life because you’re working on self healing without even realizing it. Have you ever gone through a phase where you just couldn’t get enough of a particular color, where clothing, jewelry, crystals, even wall paint of a particular color would jump out at you? And have you ever noticed that one day you were just totally over that color? That happens when your energy field is finished soaking up those particular healing properties.

We can use color as a tool to support our emotional bodies. As I mentioned above, you’re probably doing this already at a subconscious level. But to bring awareness and intention to this phenomenon is quite empowering. The Haven Shoppe’s Body & Soul Mists were created with this in mind. Those gorgeous, brightly colored labels aren’t random! They correspond to the affirmation on the bottle and the essential oils inside that support your mind, body and emotions in very specific ways.   I created a little chart for you that maps each color to a Body & Soul Mist, along with a description of the emotional and physiological areas they support.

What colors are you wearing as you’re reading this? Have some fun uncovering the areas where you need healing!


With Love,



Treat Yourself to Some Color Therapy!

Soul Sisters, Unite! 5 Signs of a Sacred Friendship

Not long ago, a standsoulsistersing lunch date with my oldest friend happened to land on a day when we were both experiencing turbulence in our lives. As soon as our eyes met, a mutual knowing was exchanged. The goddess radar had clearly detected that something had both our divine knickers in a twist.

We headed to our dining spot, exchanging pleasantries and catching up on our regular topics. It didn’t take long before the suspense got to me. I asked my friend if she wanted to discuss what was bothering her. She opens up easily, so in true form she shared her troubles, acknowledged her own role in the matter, and moved through her process with an easeful grace.

Then it was my turn. “Do you want to talk about it?”, she asked. “No”, I replied, shoving a piece of flatbread the size of Wisconsin into my mouth. “That’s okay”, she said (and she meant it). Well, before she knew what was coming, the floodgates opened and I unleashed every wave of disappointment, anger, sadness and injustice that I had pent up inside. I went from zero to dragon lady in 2.2 seconds. Four hours, two almond milk lattes and one nerf ball sized cinnamon bun later, we both felt peaceful (granted her peace probably came from the fact that I’d finally stopped talking).

I’m incredibly grateful to say that I have more than one of these sacred friendships in my life. Some of them I’ve had for decades, others just a few years. But my relationships with each of these women have some things in common. Here’s how to spot your own soul sisters:

Your relationship transcends time and space. Your experiences together may date back to your sandbox days, or you may have met as adults and formed an instant kinship. Either way, you have the distinct knowing that your souls are dear old friends. Time apart has no bearing on this bond. She’s at the top of your list when you have wonderful, exciting news to share. And when times are tough, text messages a quarter mile long that start with “I know this is stupid but I just need to vent” are welcomed at all hours.

You feel comfortable being vulnerable. This one’s huge. We all wear masks. You have the persona you portray when you’re at work, another with acquaintances, another when you’re in the mom role, and so on. But when you’re with one of these special ladies, the masks come off and your true self comes through; the good, the bad and the ugly. And she accepts it all, with no judging. That’s what makes your interactions so nourishing for your soul.

You lift each other up. You’ll know who your soul sisters are simply by the way you feel when you’re around them. Laughter magically weaves itself into the deepest conversations. If you pay close attention, you can physically feel your heart open up, stress hormone levels drop, and all the other immune boosting conditions that occur when relaxation response sets in (that’s the opposite of flight-fight response).  Soul sisters are good for your health!

She honors your brand of crazy. One of the best perks of these sacred friendships is that you don’t have to justify or rationalize why you’re feeling the way you do. She knows where your old wounds are, and how they affect your relationships and experiences. Isn’t that so comforting, to feel truly validated and understood?  On the flip side of that coin, she can serve up the dose of reality you need without beating around the proverbial bush. Her advice doesn’t offend you in the slightest, because you know that she’s coming from a pure and loving place.

You own property in each other’s heart.   Perhaps the sweetest thing about these sacred sisterhoods is the peace that comes from knowing your soul is completely safe with them. Their hearts happily serve as a haven for your deepest fears, nonsensical insecurities, your most daring hopes and wildest dreams.

If you are fortunate enough to share one of these priceless sisterhoods, you are beyond blessed.  The souls of these wingless angels chose to include your well being as part of their life purpose. Is there any higher honor? Cherish your time with these ladies, and keep them in your prayers when you’re apart.

Give a shout out to your soul sisters today! What would we ever do without them?

With Love,


Soul Sisters, Unite! 5 Signs of a Sacred Friendship

Introducing…The Haven Shoppe Poster Goddess!

When I decided it was time to create a logo for The Haven Shoppe, I wanted to capture the sense  of freedom and deep peace that becomes a woman when she embraces her true nature. The colors would be very important, and I was hit with a palette right away. Brown, to symbolize a deeply rooted connection to Mother Earth; grounded, stable and able to withstand any storm. Gold was a must, since it perfectly denotes every woman’s natural born Goddess status.

Naturally, mama moon required proper representation, since she represents the Divine Feminine. The full moon, specifically, evokes emotional release, shifting energy and making room for great new adventures, as we let go of what we no longer need. Under the glow of the full moon is where we’re prodded to shed old layers, thinning the veil between our masks and our true, unapologetic selves.

All these elements come together and radiate the mystery, power, and magic that make up every woman. It is this same energy that infuses my Body & Soul Mists, which I create with the intention of bringing deep comfort and healing at a very personal level. Each bottle is wrapped in love and buzzing with a flurry of high vibes for your highest and best. They are not simply aromatherapy products; they are sacred provisions to assist you along your path.

My intention for you, and all who lay eyes on this little lady, is that you soak up just the right amount of energy to receive a personal healing of your own. Cast your gaze on her whenever you need a boost, or feel that your crown needs straightening.

Rock on, ancient queen. I’m honored to be part of your journey.


With Much Love,




Introducing…The Haven Shoppe Poster Goddess!